Thursday, 1 July 2010

Global Warming-The missing science

I have recently found an interesting book titled " A synopsis of the Book : HEAVEN AND EARTH Global Warming- The missing Science by Ian Rutherford Plimer. The auther is an Australian geologist, academician and businessman. He was first known as a prominent critic of creationism but more recently he has been known for his skepticism of the scientific consensus that "global warming is driven by anthropogenic CO2 " He has written 7 books and has published approximately 120 academic papers. He is  currently a Professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide. His book " A short History of Planet Earth" won the Eureka Prize.

According to him the 500 + page book can be compressed in some of the most provocative arguments and conclusions of the book, as follows:-

1- Is dangerous warming occuring? NO
2- Is the temperature range observed in the 20th century outside the range of normal variability? NO
3- The Earth's climate is driven by the receipt and the redistribution of solar energy. Despite this crucial relationship the Sun tends to be brushed aside as the most important driver of climate. Calculations on supercomputers are primitive compared with the complex dynamism of the Easrth's climate and ignore the crucial relationship between climate and solar energy.
4-"To reduce modern climate change to one variable, CO2 , or a small proportion of one variable-human induced CO2 - is not science. To try to predict the future based on just one variable(CO2) in extraordinarily complex natural systems is folly. Yet when astronomers have the temerity to show that climate is driven by solar activities rather than CO2 emissions, they are dismissed as dinosaurs undertaking the methods of old-fashioned science"
5- Over time, the history of CO2 content in the atmosphere has been far higher than it is at present, Atmospheric CO2 follows temperature rise. It does not create a temperature rise. CO2 is not a pollutant. Global warming and high CO2 content bring prosperity and longer life.
6. The hypothesis that human activity can create global waming is extraordinary because it is contrary to validated knowledge from solar physics, astronomy, history, archaeology and geology. "But evidence no longer matters. And any contrary work published in peer-reviewed journals is just ignored. We are told that the science on human-induced global warming is settled. Yet the claim by some scientists that the threat of humal-induced global warming is 90% certain (or even 99%) is a figure of speech. It has no mathematical or evidential basis."
7- Observations in nature differ markedly from the results generated by nealy two dozen computer-generated climate models. These climate models exaggerate the effects of human CO2 emissions into the atmosphere because few of the natural variables are considered. Natural systems are far more complex than computer models.
8- When the UN set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1988, it gave many scientists the opportunity to make global warming the main theme of environmental groups. "The IPXX process is related to environmental activism, politics and opportunism. It is unrelated to science. Current zeal around human-induced climate change is comparable to the certainty professed by Creationists or religious fundamentalists"

I thought this information will be a new one for many who are woried about the catastroph of global warming phenomena.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Vishwas Kalyankar: Vidarbha-Relief Packages-A Mockery

Vishwas Kalyankar: Vidarbha-Relief Packages-A Mockery

Vidarbha-Relief Packages-A Mockery

Since 2002 due to the misgovernance the farmers in Vidarbha had been committing suicide. Govt when realised that their incompetency is coming to the fore started declaring packages without going to the root cause of the situation. The report on the pacages declared and the realities of its implementation will be an interesting reading. Please visit